Apply for the MyHuddle Undergrad Internship
Thank you for your interest in the part-time undergrad internship at MyHuddle! Please complete the questions below. A reminder that this is an unpaid internship but is eligible for course credit. Link to role description at
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Your Name (First, Last) *
Email Address *
Cell Number *
City and State where you currently live *
What college do you attend? *
What year are you in college? *
Will you apply to have this internship count as course credit through your university? *
What is course credit for internships? Learn more:
Why are you interested in the Undergrad Internship at MyHuddle? (250 words) *
Tell us about a time you used a social media channel to grow and/or engage a community of people to reach a goal. What did you do and what was the result? (250 words) *
Imagine you're tasked with the challenge of getting 2000 new student-athletes to follow the MyHuddle instagram within 2 weeks and you have a $0 budget. Share with us 2-3 creative ideas on how you'd accomplish this goal. E.g., who would you target/tag, what content would you create, and where would you post. (500 words) *
Are you able to work 8-10 hours per week with MyHuddle for at least 8 weeks? This is preferred but if you foresee a conflict, we are happy to be flexible. *
Are you a student-athlete? *
This is a BONUS but not a requirement
Please add a link to your LinkedIn Profile (if you have one)
As a final key step, please email a copy of your resume to with your first and last name in the subject line. Then click SUBMIT. Our team will review and be in touch soon on next steps. Thank you!
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