Crafty Brewers listener survey
Thank you for taking our listener survey! We just have a few questions that will help us make the show better. If you fill this out, then we'll give you a shout-out on an upcoming episode!
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How long have you been listening to Crafty Brewers?
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What is your favorite podcast?
In addition to Crafty Brewers, approximately how many  other podcasts do you subscribe to or follow?
What other podcasts do you listen to regularly?
Have you ever told a friend about Crafty Brewers?
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How would you describe Crafty Brewers to a friend?
Do you follow or subscribe to Crafty Brewers in order to know when new episodes are released?
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If we were to stop making Crafty Brewers, what would you miss the most about it?
How do you usually consume Crafty Brewers?
Would you make Crafty Brewers shorter or longer?
How did you first discover Crafty Brewers? (Feel free to check multiple if they apply!)
Which BEST describes your relationship with beer/brewing?
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Besides listening, how else do you interact with Crafty Brewers? Please check all that apply!
Is there anything else you would like to mention about Crafty Brewers? For example: things you enjoy, don't enjoy, where we can improve
How old are you? (Or skip this one!)
What is your gender?
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OPTIONAL: Leave your name if you'd like us to give you a shout-out on a future episode to thank you for listening (and for taking our survey)! Enter your name as you'd like us to read it, and feel free to add pronunciation so we don't botch it :)
OPTIONAL: Leave us your email address if you'd like to enter to win... something. Maybe. Once we figure out how else we can reward you for taking our survey. That way, you won't miss out if we figure out how to give you a prize. We promise we won't share your email address with anyone!
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