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City of New Orleans Enterprise Data Inventory
Fill out this form for all of the datasets you have identified through the inventory process (Step 2 on the Data Inventory spreadsheet). BE SURE TO FILL OUT THE ENTIRE FORM AND CLICK SUBMIT AT THE BOTTOM FOR EACH DATASET.
Please contact the data team -
- if you have any questions or need assistance with this form.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Dataset name
Your answer
Brief description of data (What is it used for? What is its purpose?)
Your answer
Data Steward's name and email (Person with business knowledge of the data.)
Your answer
Data Custodian's name and email (Person with technical knowledge of the data.)
Your answer
Data source (What system, database, shared drive or server contains the data? If it is not in a system, who keeps these records?)
Your answer
Start date (How far back does the data go?)
Your answer
End date (When does the data end? If it is still being updated, write CURRENT.)
Your answer
Geography (What is the lowest level of geography in the data? For example, if the data is collected by address, it would be Street Address.)
Street address
Parcel (block/lot)
Census block
Census block group
Census tract
Zoning district
Planning district
Supervisorial District
Zip code
Not applicable
Frequency of data change (At what rate does the information in the dataset change?)
Not updated (historical only)
Upon request or ordinance change
Format (What format is the data in? For example, excel, sql, oracle database, pdf, word, etc.)
Your answer
Do you currently publish or share this information in another format or system?
Do you currently publish or share this information publicly in a report or other type of publication?
Priority or value (What is your sense of the relative value in publishing this data?)
High - existing and ongoing requests for this data; this data addresses pressing information needs or pain points (within or without the city); or we have heard compelling examples of how this data could be used;
Medium - This data may be useful for other departments or for people external to the city; we occasionally receive requests for this information; or we have heard some examples for how this data could be used;
Low - This data has unclear value for either the public or other city departments; we have never received requests for this data; or we have never heard a use case for this data
Priority or value - your comments (Share any details about why you chose the priority above.)
Your answer
Technical challenges (What problems do you anticipate in publishing this data?)
Your answer
Data classification (How would YOU classify this data?)
PUBLIC - this data could be publicly disseminated without any concerns;
PROTECTED - this data is protected by law or regulation and can only be shared or accessed internally and per organizational procedures; OR this information includes individually identified information;
SENSITIVE - in its raw form, this data poses security concerns, could be misused to target individuals or poses other concerns.
Classification reason (If you marked “Protected” or "Sensitive" for Data Classification, please indicate what law(s)/regulation(s) protect this data.)
Your answer
Data quality concerns and detail (Please describe your concerns with the quality of this dataset.)
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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