August 6th YQCA Training - VCE Gloucester
This form is the FIRST step in completing your registration for the YQCA Training that will be held on Tuesday, August 6th in Gloucester at the TC Walker Education Center, 6099 TC Walker Road, Gloucester, VA 23061. The training will run from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Attendance for the complete duration of the training is required for youth to be certified.
If you have questions or need more information contact Krista Gustafson at After completion and review of this form, you will receive an email with further instructions and a coupon code that you will need to enter into the portal. This code covers the cost of the training for youth participants. Please allow time for Instructors to process pre-registrations and send your coupon code.
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is a national multi-species quality assurance program for youth ages 8 to 21. An in-person YQCA workshop requires complete attendance. The program has been designed by extension specialists and national livestock program managers to ensure it is accurate, current and relevant to the needs of the animal industry and shows and is appropriate for youth.