Mentor Survey
Startup of the Year is expanding our Mentor program so that we offer this value to our startups throughout the year - both leading up to and during our 2020 Summit.

If you would like to be considered for the program, we would like to learn more about your expertise and the types of startups that might be the best match. Please fill out this short survey.

Thank you! If you have any questions, please email
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First Name *
Last Name *
Name of Company or Organization *
Title *
Have you mentored with us before? *
Please share a short bio about yourself. *
What type of engagement or interaction are you seeking? *
Do you prefer to meet with startups at a particular stage of their business? *
Your experience and interest is strongest in which of these industry verticals? *
Your experience and interest equips you to advise on which of these common startup challenges? *
What is your desired level of participation? *
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