Shipyard Application Form
Ocean Shipyard grants fund entrepreneurs building open-source Web3 solutions on Ocean Protocol that add tangible value to the Ocean ecosystem such as bringing valuable data to Ocean-powered marketplaces, advancing technical integrations with AI & crypto applications, and developing innovative and sustainable data sharing related services that empower a more equitable data economy.

Eligible projects MUST make use of Ocean technology and/or OCEAN token. Projects MUST be open source and have a clear use case and/or deployment potential that promises to contribute directly towards the adoption and scaling of the Ocean ecosystem.

The most important indicators ​​evaluated in the Shipyard grant selection process is for the submission to have:
- clear project milestones and deliverables
- viable business model
- working code
- initial market validation
- alignment with Ocean’s core mission and values

Typically, successful Shipyard grants cover a period of 3-6 months. Ideally, final grant deliverables provide an initial validation MVP or beta that serves as a basis for further discussion.

Applications are reviewed by members of the Ocean Protocol core team in the order they are received. Total funding available for the Ocean Shipyard grant program in 2024 is $OCEAN 2,000,000.

NOTE: Once you start filling out the application you will be able to revisit, edit and update the information you enter for up to 30 days.
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