Oberlin Peer Tutor Application
Thank you for your interest in serving as a peer tutor! Compensation for peer tutors is $12/hr. Students can apply to serve as a tutor for more than one course.

The following are requirements for the Peer Tutor position:

  • Peer tutors must have earned a grade of “B” or higher in the course(s) you would like to tutor; students who would like to tutor language classes and are native speakers are exempt from this requirement but will need a recommendation from a faculty member in the target language's department. 

  • Students must have a recommendation for the course(s) they would like to tutor

  • Students generally must be in good academic standing. 

  • Peer tutors will participate in a required, compensated orientation session to learn about effective tutoring strategies, learning styles, and communication techniques; tutors will have the opportunity to attend additional refresher training sessions throughout the semester.

  • Tutors are required to attend all mandatory meetings and to complete all surveys or reports requested by program staff. 

  • Tutors must submit their hours on TimeClock Plus and also fill out required session forms. 

Students who meet the requested criteria will be contacted to schedule a brief interview with Brook Escobedo, Assistant Dean for Academic Support.

 Please complete this form and email Brook (bescobed@oberlin.edu) if you run into any trouble.

Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Preferred/Chosen Name
T Number: *
Cell Phone # *
Faculty Reference: *
Please list the name and department for at least one faculty reference; while we encourage students to list the faculty member who taught the course(s) they would like to tutor, this is not required.
Have you served as a peer tutor at Oberlin before? *
If yes, which course(s) have you tutored at Oberlin in the past?
Do you have any other tutoring experience? If so, please describe briefly.
Which course(s) would you be interested in tutoring? Please include the appropriate subject and course number (for example, BIOL 100). *
What type of tutoring modalities* do you prefer? Please check all that apply. *
* Drop-in tutoring options may not be available for all courses/disciplines initially, but this could change.
How much time could you commit to tutoring each week? Please select all that apply. *
Are you doing any of the following during fall 2024? *
If you checked a box in the question above, please indicate the course number that corresponds to the job. (Ex: Lab helper - CSCI 150)
Is there anything else you want the peer tutoring staff to know?
What are your favorite snacks?
By completing and submitting this application, you are approving the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards to release any records from the Student Conduct Process, Sexual Misconduct Process, and Honor System. These records will only be released to the Peer Tutoring selection committee. Any specific questions about this process can be directed to Thom Julian, Director of Community Life and Standards, at tjulian@oberlin.edu. *
By completing and submitting this application, you are approving the Registrar to release academic standing information. These records will only be released to the Peer Tutoring selection committee.  *
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