ETS Pre-Application
The Educational Talent Search Program staff will contact you upon receipt of pre-application. TRiO Educational Talent Search Grant is 100% funded by a U.S. Department of Education at $450,569.00 annually.
El personal del programa se comunicara contigo lo más pronto posible. El programa está financiado al 100% por el Departamento de Educación de EE.UU. con 450.569,00 dólares anuales.
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Student Full Name/ Nombre completo del estudiante: *
Mailing / PO Box Address / Domicilio: *
Home Phone / Telefono de casa: ex: (760) 555-1234 *
Cell / Celular: ex: (760) 555-1234 *
Email / Correo Electronico (Please provide a personal email, not a school email)Sólo correos electrónicos personales *
High School Name / Nombre de la Escuela: *
Grade / Grado escolar: *
G.P.A Status Over 2.50 / Promedio Mas de 2.50: *
Citizenship / Ciudadania: *
Size of Family Household / Miembros de Familia: *
Has your father earned a Bachelor’s degree?/Padre esta titulado de la universidad?: *
Has your mother earned a Bachelor’s degree?/Madre esta titulada de la universidad?: *
How did you hear about the Talent Search program? If it was from another ETS student, please provide the student's name!
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