Puppy Questionnaire
Please complete this form if you are interested in a Kooikerhondje puppy. Where required, be as detailed as possible. Thank you!
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Your Name *
Your Email *
Your City *
Your State/Province *
Your Type of Dwelling *
Do you live in an apartment, condo, or house?
Why are you interested in a Kooiker? *
Please describe in detail.
How did you hear about the breed? *
Have you ever met a Kooiker before? *
If yes, please let us know where and what dog if you can remember.
Do currently have a dog, or had a dog before? If yes, what breed? *
What are your activities like? *
Outdoors, weekends, etc.
What is your living situation like? Will you have access to a garden, park, or area for long walks? *
Have you ever trained a dog before? If so what were the results? *
Specifically have you trained your dog in rally, confirmation, obedience, agility, therapy service or search and rescue?
Do you have children? If yes, what are their ages? *
Why do you want a dog? *
What other information do you wish to add to better assist in matching you with a puppy?
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