HumanitiesDC Educators Seminar: Oral History in the Classroom
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About this year's seminar:
Apply for the opportunity to participate in Oral History in the Classroom. This annual program helps DC educators explore creative ways to use oral history in their lesson plans and consider starting oral history projects with their students.

The group will discuss questions like:  

  • What is oral history – especially as compared to other forms of interviewing and storytelling? 
  • What are the logistical obstacles to starting oral history projects? 
  • How can it be connected to learning standards?  
  • What impact can it have on students?  
  • What are some easy to access tools and resources that can help get projects started? 

The session is hands-on and interactive, giving participants the chance to practice interviewing and reflect on the experience. Participants will also hear from young people who have recorded oral histories as part of the Real World History program. 

For seminar details please read the information sheet here:

Full Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Zipcode *
How did you learn about this opportunity? *
 Professional Affiliation and Job Title *
Brief Bio *
Please describe your interest in oral history and any oral history projects you have worked on. *
Please describe what you hope to gain by attending this seminar. *
Do you require any accommodations to participate in this seminar? *
If you select "Yes" you will have the opportunity to elaborate on the next page.
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