Missoula Children's Theatre: Wizard of Oz Audition Registration & Permission Slip


Thank you for your interest in the Missoula Children's Theatre's residency at The Grand Oshkosh from January 20-25! 

Please fill out this Registration & Permission Slip for your student to save time at the Auditions on January 20. 

If you have multiple interested students, please only put one student on the form and fill it out multiple times. 

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Student's First & Last Name
Student's Grade (Students must be K-12)
Parent/Guardian Name:
Parent/Guardian's Email Address
Parent/Guardian's Phone Number: 
Emergency Contact's Name & Phone Number (If Different than Above)
By signing my name below, my student has permission to attend the audition for WIZARD OF OZ on Monday, January 20, 2024 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at The Grand Oshkosh. I understand that, if chosen for the play, my student may need to attend rehearsal from 4:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m., Monday through Friday. They will also need to be available for performances on Saturday, January 25, 2024. I understand that students will not be excused from rehearsals or performances for practices, appointments, etc., but must keep the week completely free for this residency week.
Parent/Guardian Signature (Type Full Name)
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