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1. Do you have constant fears, worries about your addicted relative? *
2. Do you develop negative scenarios in your imagination about your dependent relative, his future and how this will affect your future? * *
3. Are you emotionally attached to the life of your addict: he has enlightenment - you are happy, he has problems - you are depressed? * *
4. Do you deal with the solutions of the difficulties of your dependent relative when he does not seek help from you, ie. is this happening on your own initiative?
5. Do you provide your dependent relative financially or materially?
6. Do you evade your addicted relative if he or she has been caught by the police (as a result of a fight, theft, drug trafficking, etc.)?
7. Do you help your dependent relative if he has lost his job (you are looking for one instead of him) or is in danger of losing it (you buy apology notes during the binge so that he is not fired or you look for connections in the hospital during working hours and etc.)?
8. Do you repay the debts and loans of the addicted person?
9. Do you control where the addict is, who he is with, what he does and when he will return home? Are you calling him to control the situation. For example, to check if he is drunk or sober? Or are you wandering around looking for him on the streets, with friends or in various horrible places?
10. Do you humiliate the addict with words? Do you say insulting words to him in revenge for his addiction?
11. Are you physically addicted and you do nothing because you don't know how or are you just ashamed and tolerate and justify his behavior?
12. Do you think that it is better for no one to know about your addicted relative than to disgrace your family, and therefore do not seek help from specialists in the field of rehabilitation of addicted people?
13. Have you come to terms with the fact that addiction is incurable and irreparable in your family, and perhaps this is your destiny?
14. Do you feel that your life is "crossed out" because of the problem of your relative's addiction?
15. Do you blame the addict for the fact that the main problems in your life are due to his / her addiction?
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