Bus Registration Form 23-24 & 24-25
Please submit one form per student. Allow up to two business days for processing. This form will go directly to the transportation office for the School District of Waupaca, as administered by Go Riteway.
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Email *
What school year are you registering for? *
Last Name of Student *
First Name of Student *
Primary Home Address *
City *
Parent/Guardian Name(s) *
Parent Cell Phone Number *
Secondary Contact Name & Relationship to Student *
Secondary Contact Phone Number *
Student's School: *
Student Grade *
How will your child get to school? *
How will your child get home from school? *
Primary address for pick-up *
Phone number for primary address *
Pick up days from Primary Address *
Primary address for drop-off *
Drop off days to Primary Address? *
Secondary address for pick-up *
Respond "NA" if this does not apply to your family.
Phone number for secondary address *
Respond "NA" if this does not apply to your family.
Pick up days from Secondary Address? *
Select "NA" if this does not apply to your family.
Secondary address for drop-off *
Respond "NA" if this does not apply to your family.
Drop off days to Secondary Address? *
Select "NA" if this does not apply to your family.
Requested effective date for this submission *
Please allow up to two business days for this request to be processed.
Any permanent address changes must be made by updating the student's record by contacting Jill Lencki at jlencki@waupacaschools.org or 715-258-4121 and then by submitting this form. Changes will not be made to your student's record if you do not contact Ms. Lencki. Please allow up to two (2) business days for transportation changes to occur. Parents of students younger than 5 years old must be present at a drop-off location or the student will be taken back to the school that s/he attends. If your daily transportation needs change or if you need more information, please call the Transportation Office at 715-258-2626. Thank you for submitting this form.

Please type the full name of the person filling out this form.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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