MLA Dive-In Scholarship
We are grateful and proud to be able to offer our Dive-In scholarships for the 2023 USA Season. These scholarships are made possible through generous support of the USA Diving Foundation, the Anthony Taylor Aquatics Foundation and HAC's Michigan Lakeshore Aquatics Dive Team. In this form, you will find the expectations and income guidelines for scholarship applicants.

If approved, recipients will be required to complete a 3-step registration process through our Michigan Lakeshore Aquatics site that includes a one-time ($25) season registration fee. Additionally, a USA Diving membership will be provided for your athlete.

Scholarship Breakdown:
- 5-month scholarship: $400 (Recipient pays $140)
- USA Diving Registration: $44.95 (Recipient pays $0)
- MLA DIVING Registration: $60 (Recipient pays $25)
- 1 or 2 Meet events: $30 (Recipient pays $15)
Total: $452.95 (total cost to Scholarship Recipient $180)

For more information, please visit the MLA Diving Website. 

If you have any questions through the process, please reach out to head coach, Jean Luc Miralda, for details at or call 616.393.7595 (ext. 105).

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