Petition Supporting a Statewide Moratorium on New and Expanding CAFOs in Wisconsin
We, the undersigned, support Sustain Rural Wisconsin Network's statewide moratorium on new or expanding factory farms until the following four conditions have been met:
1. Legislation is passed that empowers the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources with the authority and mandate to address and adequately enforce water quality standards through Nutrient Management Plans and the permitting process.
2. Groundwater protection policy is created and outlines procedures for adequate enforcement of violation.
3. The state respects meaningful local control and flexibility by allowing local elected officials to draft and pass county and municipal ordinances which take science-based measures beyond state standards to protect sensitive water resources.
4. All CAFOs in Wisconsin that are currently operating with expired WPDES permits are issued a current WPDES (Wisconsin Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems) permit for future regulation.
We, the undersigned, respectfully request that the Wisconsin State Senate and Assembly draft and pass a moratorium on new and expanding CAFOs in order to adequately assess and address the threats to Wisconsin citizen's health and safety posed by CAFOs.