Ohio Poor People's Campaign Interest Survey
Please fill out this form to help us connect those who want to be a part of the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. You do not need to live in Ohio to fill this out. We will direct you to those organizing in your state.    
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If you do not currently receive emails from the Ohio Poor People's Campaign, there are a couple ways to do that. You can text the word MORAL to 90975 or go to poorpeoplescampaign.org and pledge to join the campaign. Pledging will automactically put you into the email system for the state.                                                                                                                                                            We have started Regional Google groups. Once you fill this survey out, you will be sent an invite to connect with members in your Ohio region. If you are not familiar with Google Groups, don't worry.  We will help you through the process. Also, we will have Ohio regional meetings to help mobilize and support local communities and build power.  It is the power of connecting  local communities statewide that gives us our movement power. The more we are connected on the issues, the more we show solidarity and are united.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
First Name *
Last Name *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
What County do you live in *
Phone Number - *
Phone Info *
Do you receive emails from the Poor People's Campaign *
How did you find out about the Ohio Poor People's Campaign? *
Are you affiliated with an organization, please list it here.
Can you help us mobilize your community around the Poor People's Campaign? *
Everyone has something to offer to the Poor People's Campaign. WE ACCEPT ALL GIFTS! No matter what your situation, we can find a way for you to be involved. We value everyone's input. How would you like to be involved?  You may check up to 3 boxes. *
What is the best way to contact you? *
Do you have any needs to help you participate fully in community with others? If yes, please let us know what those are.
OHPPC T-Shirts!

Show you are part of the OHPPC Family. Order a OHPPC T-Shirt for yourself or Someone Else. Use this link to order a T-Shirt bitly.com/ORDEROHPPCTSHIRT 
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