No Time to Wait 2024 Call for Proposals & Suggestions
The 2024 call for proposals (and suggestions) is now open. We'd love to hear about what you'd like to discuss or present or share at No Time to Wait.

This year, we're using a form to collect proposals and suggestions. Data entered in here (for fields marked "(public)" will appear in spreadsheet for community review at

Specify the names of the speakers associated with your proposal and provide a description. Also select if it is a "lightning talk" (short 10-15 minute specific presentation), "presentation" (25-40 minute), "panel" (a 45 minute mix of presentations and group discussion) or "roundtable" (a 25-35 minute group discussion amongst many panelists on a specific theme). If you'd prefer to propose or discuss an idea for the conference program without using this form, please feel welcome to contact us at The Call for Proposals is open until August 29th.

Proposals may be for onsite (live at Center for Art and Media | ZKM) or online or a mix. For online presentations, we require a pre-recorded presentation. We will provide a live introduction and facilitate a live Q&A session between you and the audience after the presentation.

Questions? Please, see and add to the FAQ section on the next tab or contact us at

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Email *
Your Name (as contact for the proposal)
Names of the Speakers (public)
Suggestion (if you have a comment for something you'd like on this year's program, please share that here and then you can skip the rest of the form)
Proposed Title (public)
Proposed Description
Proposal Type (public)
Anticipated Format (public)
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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