International City of Peace
Dear Colleague in Peace,

At the moment we have more that 400 cities from 80 Countries. International Cities of Peace - ICP is a not-for-profit association dedicated to helping establish, promote, and connect Cities of Peace around the world. Members of a Leadership Council of Liaisons from Cities of Peace organizations around the globe are building an inclusive, non-polarizing network of citizens working to foster a more peaceful culture in their local communities.
VISION: To encourage the establishment of Cities of Peace around the world.
MISSION: To promote, network, document, and provide resources and information for leaders and organizations working to establish peace as a consensus value through community Cities of Peace initiatives.

This simple form is to help us to promote EVERY International City of Peace, a MEMBER of the ICP (Please fill the form and help us to promote YOUR City of Peace) or fill the form to give you instruction HOW to become the FUTURE MEMBER of the International Cities of Peace Network. Membership in the International Cities of Peace is FREE (no membership fee).

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Are you an International City of Peace?
The name of your Country?
What is the name of our City?
What is your Name and Surname?
Birth Date Please
Day, Month, Year!
Please describe your city in not more than 100 words
If you are interested to make your city an Official  City of Peace please write a few sentences of motivation you have, group of Friends will help you and other important things. As soonest we receive your form, somebody from our team will send you all material we need.
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