Conference Session Submissions
Welcome! We're thrilled you'd like to submit a proposal to present at the Charlotte Mason centenary conference titled Charlotte Mason's Design for Education: An Enduring Legacy for Today?  All proposals will go through an initial anonymous review process and then be finally decided by the conference committee. 

An individual may complete up to a maximum of three separate submissions (three separate google form entries required), but each must be for a different session format. Practical Immersions may be co-presented and only one google form needs to be completed for the proposal.

The deadline for submissions in 31 January, 2023. 
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Name *
Email *
Name of Co-Presenter (if applicable)
Email of Co-Presenter (if applicable)
Select one of the following conference topic areas for which your proposal best fits:
Select one of the following formats for which your proposal is intended:
Concise Title of Your Panel Presentation, Paper Presentation, Immersion or Instruction Workshop, or Springboard Conversation (max ~20 words) 

Offer a title that clearly indicates the content of what will be covered. Two-part titles are welcome and, if accepted, will be used in the conference program.
Description or Abstract of your Session (~300 words)

Please be sure your description includes your topic, a brief summary of your argument or your plan for the time allotted, and what you hope attendees will gain from your session. If accepted, this description will be used in the conference program.
Personal Experience and Connection to Mason (~150 words)

Describe your relevant personal and/or academic background. Describe your interests and experience in relation to the study or practice of Charlotte Mason's design for education. if accepted, this description will serve as your bio in the conference program.
Personal Experience and Connection to Mason of Co-Presenter (if applicable) (~150 words)

Describe your relevant personal and/or academic background. Describe your interests and experience in relation to the study or practice of Charlotte Mason's design for education. if accepted, this description will serve as your bio in the conference program.
Please check below to indicate that you have read and agree to the following: 

I/We have carefully read the Call for Proposals for the conference.

I/We understand that if my/our proposal is accepted I/We will not be remunerated and I am/we are to seek or provide my/our own funding for related conference travel, accommodation, and other expenses.

I/We each agree that if my/our proposal is accepted I/We will register for the conference (which includes seven meals and access to all proceedings) from 3:00 pm Wednesday 19 July 2023 to 9:00 pm Friday 21 July 2023.
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