DGA Members letter supporting the Post Production Guild
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We, the undersigned, are proud members of the Directors Guild of America, and we stand in support of our colleagues seeking union recognition. As you know, post production administrative positions are critically important to the success of all our projects, as they facilitate bringing the final creative vision to the screen. We understand that the AMPTP is refusing voluntary recognition for the Post Production Guild members and is insisting that the PPG go to the National Labor Relations Board to file for an election. If the AMPTP plans to file objections that these post production workers are considered supervisors who would be barred from organizing under the labor board’s rules, we as directors would view this as an alarming change in policy and definition of station. We know these post production workers to be valued and vital members of one department in a highly unionized industry, and fully support their right to collective recognition as a labor group. While we do not wish to see this issue escalate, we support our colleagues and urge you to allow this group to organize without delay.
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