Carrizo Springs C.I.S.D. Communication Survey - 2024-25
  As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance communication within our district and community we are conducting a Communication Survey and would greatly value your input.   Our goal is to understand how effectively we are communicating with you, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that you receive important information in a timely and convenient manner.
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1. What is the grade level of your child/children? (Select all that apply)

2.  How satisfied are you with the overall communication from the district?
 3.  How satisfied are you with the overall communication from the school?
4. How often do you receive communication from the school/district?

5. What forms of communication do you prefer? (Select all that apply)

6.  How clear and understandable is the information provided by the school? *
7.    How relevant and useful is the information you receive from the school? *
8. What types of information do you feel you receive adequately from the school? (Select all that apply) *

9. How easy is it to access school communications (e.g., emails, website, newsletters)?

10.  How promptly does the school respond to your inquiries or concerns? *
11.  Have you encountered any barriers to effective communication with the school? If yes, please specify. *
12.  What suggestions do you have for improving communication between the school and parents?  Or what other forms of communication do you recommend? *
13.  How satisfied are you with the opportunities provided by the school for parent engagement and involvement? *
14.  How likely are you to recommend our school to other parents based on the communication you have experienced? *
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