Cultural Policy and Cultural Work in the Time of AI

Artificial intelligence has had multifaceted influences on human culture, ranging from material permeation to the spiritual realm. For example, big data and algorithms have intermediated various choices for cultural engagement, replacing the traditional expertise and art recommendations of museum curators, art gallery curators, or critics. Algorithms and machine learning have shaped the public domain and monopolistically manipulated the attention of the entire society. Another significant impact is that algorithms recommend various forms of visual or performing arts participation, but the audience lacks an understanding of the context and background of the works. AI can provide recommendations and assistance in the production stage of art, but it challenges the definition of copyright and artistic originality. The digital divide intensifies the inequality of cultural participation. Algorithms and recommendation systems reinforce the echo chamber effect in art appreciation. If everyone is an artist and artworks are placed on online platforms, the labor rights and financial struggles of art creators are often overlooked. How can the data security and proper use of personal data from extensive cultural participation be ensured? How should cultural researchers and policymakers face the new challenges brought by AI? What measures should art educators and cultural creators take in respond?

微軟公司開發的聊天機器人於 2017 年出版了首本人工智慧詩集「陽光失去了玻璃窗」;日本的人工智慧所製成的小說,甚至通過文學獎初審;最近 OpenAI 公司上線的 CHATGPT 聊天機器人使用 GPT3.5 的生成模型分析數據,不僅可以和人類交談聊天,也可撰寫論文、小說、劇本,還能協助程式碼的除錯,使得有關 AI 的服務應用再度成為群眾關注的熱門議題 —— Future Earth Taipei 數位世代工作小組特別邀請專家學者就人工智慧在文化藝術領域之挑戰與因應相關議題切入探討,歡迎準時上線加入我們的交流與討論!

Future Earth Taipei - Digital Age working group
Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica 中研院永續科學中心
Contact 聯絡人:Dr. Dolly Chung 鐘鈺鈞 博士 (

Organizers /
- Digital Age working group, Future Earth Taipei
- Future Earth Taipei Hub
- IYBSSD@Taiwan
- Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica

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Speakers 講者 /

Dr. Hye-Kyung Lee (Professor; Culture, Media & Creative Industries, King’s College London)

Dr. Sana Kim (Research Associate; Culture, Media & Creative Industries, King’s College London)

Dr. Li-Jung Wang 王俐容 (Professor; Department of Hakka Language & Social Sciences, National Central University, Taiwan)

Host 主持 / Dr. Hsu-Cheng Chiang 蔣旭政 (Professor; Graduate Institute of Mass Communication, National Taiwan Normal University)

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