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United Rugby Club Sponsorship
Thank you for supporting United Rugby Club!
Please complete the form below to confirm your sponsorship donation and details.
If you have any questions, please contact Sandra Niven at or call 778-861-1972.
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Contact Name
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Business Name
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Social Media and Website Links
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Sponsorship Level
Multi-year sponsorships can be paid in installments
$15,000 Platinum - jersey front or equipment (3 year sponsorship)
$9,000 Gold - jersey lower back or equipment (3 year sponsorship)
$6,000 Silver - jersey upper back or equipment (3 year sponsorship)
$4,500 Bronze - jersey shoulder or equipment (3 year sponsorship)
$3,000 Blue & Maroon - jersey nape or equipment (3 year sponsorship)
$250 - $10,000 Club Sponsor customized package
Tax Deductible Donation through the BC Amateur Sport Fund
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