Shir Tikvah Caring Community Sign-up

Thank you for your interest in Shir Tikvah's Caring Community. The Caring Community provides support to Shir Tikvah community members in need. 

There are multiple ways to be involved as a Caring Community volunteer:

  • Shiva: Assist grieving members by taking care of hosting duties: We bring supplies, set up, greet guests, pass out and collect prayer books, then clean up when shiva is over so that the mourners are able to be with and comforted by those who have come to express their condolences. (Shiva training provided.) Volunteers are also needed for Zoom shivas. These volunteers attend shivas that are held on Zoom and act as a supportive presence.
  • Meals: Prepare and deliver meals to members who need support when recovering from illness, childbirth, or other life changes.

  • Rides: As we are able, provide rides to Shabbat services and High Holiday services.

  • Cards: Send cards and to community members in times of need to let them know they are in our thoughts. (Prompts for what to write are available.)

  • Visits: Visit members who are homebound and would like company (or may be in nursing homes or hospitals).

Volunteers can choose one or all areas.  When there is a community need, a Caring Committee Coordinator will send out an email asking for volunteers.  And remember: step up only when you're able. 

Thank you for joining the Caring Community and creating a Shir Tikvah community where we tend to each other's wellbeing, so we may all feel valued, embraced, and supported.

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