Thank you for applying for the 2025-26 Reyburn leadership class! Please complete this application as well as a teacher recommendation form in order to be eligible for the course.

*** Don't forget to ask your teacher (7th graders: AB teacher, 6th graders: 6th grade teacher) to complete the recommendation form at: ***

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Kruser at

Current 7th Graders: Applications are due February 28th
Current 6th Graders: Applications are due March 28th 
Email *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Current School *
Current Grade *
Name of Teacher Completing Recommendation Form (6th graders: 6th grade teacher, 7th graders: AB teacher) *
Why do you want to be a member of one of Reyburn's leadership classes? *
What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader? *
Why should you be selected as a member of a Reyburn leadership class? *
How have you made an impact on those around you and what will you contribute to Reyburn? *
Please list all activities you have been involved with during the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years and specify how many years you have participated.  *
Which course would you prefer to be enrolled in?      (Go to: for a comparison of both classes) *
#1 Choice
#2 Choice
I am not interested in this course.
Service Leadership
School Leadership
Feel free to use the space below to share any other information you would like me to know. Thank you!
** Teacher Recommendation REQUIRED **
All students applying for leadership MUST have their AB (7th graders) or 6th grade teacher submit an online teacher recommendation form in order for your application to be considered. The form can be found at:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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