Please fill out this pre-interview questionnaire to help us understand your background and fit for the position
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Name of Candidate: *
Contact Number: *
Age: *
Nationality: *
Religion: *
Denomination: *
Working Experience(Years): *
Qualification: *
Position being Interviewed *
Ages of Children *
Date *
Email *
1.  What informed your interest in this job? *
2. What is your experience? *
3. How can you make a difference in this institution? *
4. What is informing your decision to leave your current place of employment? *
5. Which is your strongest area, English, Math, Science? Why? *
6. What is the most effective way children learn? What should you do to help a child to learn? *
7. What special training skills do you have ?  Please tick: *
7(b). How would your skill or training be of benefit to the position being applied for? *
8. Have you ever fired? If yes, what happened? *
9. What is your current salary and what is your expected salary? *
10. Where do you see yourself and your career, 2 years from now? *
11. What are your strengths? *
12. What are your weaknesses? *
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