E-Membership Survey
The Club would like to get obtain feedback from Ordinary (Transferable), Lady (Transferable) and Corporate (Transferable) members:

a. To better negotiate with the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) for the lease renewal exercise.
b. To come up with other possible solutions to see through the lease renewal exercise.

It is important to us that you provide your response by Monday, 15 November 2021.

The survey will not take more than 5mins to complete.
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Name of Member *
Membership Number *
Please enter your 5-digit membership number.
Membership Type *
Please indicate your membership category:
Q1. In the event that the Club is unable to raise adequate money for the lease renewal despite the collections from members and use of Club reserves, would you be prepared to make a top-up payment of $3,500.00 instead of $2,500.00 towards the lease renewal? *
Q2. In the event that the Club is unable to raise adequate money for the lease renewal despite the collections from members and use of Club reserves, would you be prepared to make a top-up payment of $4,500.00 instead of $2,500.00 towards the lease renewal? *
Q3. In the event that the Club is unable to raise adequate money for the lease renewal despite the collections from members and use of Club reserves, would you be prepared to make a top-up payment of $5,500.00 instead of $2,500.00 towards the lease renewal? *
If you have answered ‘No’ to Q1 to Q3, please share with us your thoughts that may help us to move on in negotiating with SLA as well as seeking other members’ understanding of your views.
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