Transcript Request - One request per form, thanks!
Seniors: You must fill out this transcript request form in order for me to send a transcript to the organization you are applying to THAT NEEDS an official transcript. Complete this form for EACH request. Do NOT put multiple requests on one form. I will do my best to send your transcript asap but your request may take up to 5 school days for me to complete. You will receive an email that you submitted and another when I finalize the request. 

CCC Unofficial transcripts can be viewed/printed in WebCentral at My Services, MyCCC, Student Planning. In Student Planning, click on the academics menu at the top to get the drop-down box and select "unofficial transcript." It will be a PDF that can be downloaded. 
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Email *
Do you need an "official" transcript? IF NOT you can access your transcript on IC under Documents and save to your files or drive to submit. 
Student Name: *
Name of college, university, or organization: *
What year did you/will you graduate? *
Direct email address to send transcript to: *
If your transcript requires a mailed hard copy please list that COMPLETE address here instead of an email. If you need the transcript sent to you put your address here. 
ACT scores are no longer reported on your transcript due to recommendations from NDE. You will need to request your “official” score report directly from MyACT if the organization requires it. I can send a school report with my signature on it.  *
When would you like this transcript request completed by? (If completion date doesn't matter, state that.) *
Reminder: I will complete asap but it may take up to 5 days. 
Anything else I need to know about this transcript request?
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