Child and Adolescent Intake/Screen  
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Client Name *
Does the client have a different legal name? If so, please put it below
Are you a previous client? *
Date of Birth *
Age *
Sex *
Gender Identity
Street Address Line 1 *
Street Address Line 2
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Parent/Guardian’s Name
Parent/Guardian's Date of Birth *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Is it okay to leave a message? *
Does your child live with both of their legal parents?  If not, the name, birth date, address, and the phone number or email for the joint legal parent is required: *
Who were you referred by? *
Were you referred to a specific clinician? PLEASE NOTE: Requesting a specific therapist at the clinic can prolong the wait time
What is your availability for an appointment? *
Our clinic will sometimes get cancellations and appointments open up at the last minute. Would you like to be added to our cancellation list to be contacted when a last minute appointment comes up? Please note, these slots only come up occasionally, and if they are rejected, you will still be on our waitlist for the usual amount of time
Is your availability flexible? *
I do not have insurance with BCN or BCBS. I would like information regarding sliding scale payment options. In order to qualify for these options, I will need to submit tax returns, pay stubs or other approved proof of income *
Primary Insurance Information
Insurance Company *
Subscriber ID/Contract Number *
Group Number *
Employer *
Policy Holder *
Policy Holder DOB *
Policy Holder Relationship to Client *
Secondary Insurance Information
If no secondary insurance information, you may skip this section
Secondary Insurance Company
Secondary Subscriber ID/Contract Number
Secondary Group Number
Secondary Insurance Employer
Secondary Insurance Policy Holder
Secondary Insurance Policy Holder DOB
Secondary Insurance Policy Holder Relationship to Client
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