8/5, Managing Workplace Interpersonal Relationship - Cantonese Workshop by LGCC  [職場關係 360]
Date: 8/5/2023(Sat) 

Time: 4:30pm.-7:00pm.
4:30pm.-6:00pm. Workshop; 
6:00pm.-7:00pm. Dinner & chat

Venue:  Chapel, 1101 San Antonio Road, Mountain View, CA94043

Deadline: 8/2/2023 
(Wed) 11:59pm.

Language: Cantonese

Content includes:
Join our interactive workshop is designed to help you navigate the complexities of workplace relationships with finesse and confidence.

主辦﹕主恩基督教會粵語堂青成事工 (Organize by Young Adult Ministry of Lord's Grace Christian Church)

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Managing Workplace Interpersonal Relationship
First Name 名字/綽號 (如: Peter , Paul, Mary ...)
Last Name 英文姓氏 *
Mobile no. 聯絡電話
Question to the Panelist
How do you know this workshop?
Will you stay for the free dinner?
為免浪費食物, 若稍後未能一同晚飯, 敬請盡早電郵  flau@lordsgrace.org
To avoid wasting food, if you can't have dinner together, please email flau@lordsgrace.org asap.
If you need carpool, please give us your address:(we'll try our best to arrange and contact you on or before 8/4!)
Would you like to receive our organization's activities or gathering in the future?
Safety Guidelines 安全指引

Please read the following information carefully before you complete this registration so that we can provide the safest environment possible. 請在完成報名前仔細閱讀以下條款和規則,以便我們盡可能提供最安全的環境。

Please stay home if you or anyone in your household is not feeling well or has any COVID-19 symptoms including, but not limited to, cough, shortness of breath, fever/chills, loss of taste or smell. 如您或您的家庭成員身體出現不適或者任何諸如咳嗽、呼吸困難、發燒、發冷、味覺或嗅覺缺失等疑似新冠症狀,請居家休養或尋求醫護,暫不宜出席教會現場。

Any close contact to a positive case whether vaccinated or not should not participate in any in-person activities at church for a full 10 days after the date of exposure unless they have a negative test on day 5 or later after the date of exposure.  若確認是確診人士的密切接觸者,無論是否有接種疫苗,暫不宜參加教會任何實體活動。隔離期現在為 10 天或 5天 + 在接觸的第 5 天或之後收集得陰性 COVID 測試。

CDC recommends any international traveler who is not fully vaccinated, whether traveled by air, land, or sea, should stay home and self-quarantine for a full 5 days after travel . 疾控中心 (CDC) 鼓勵剛從國外回來並且還未接種疫苗人士,無論是乘坐飛機、船或汽車,都應在旅行後留在家中並進行 5 天的自我隔離。

COVID precaution:  Mask is recommended but not required. 新冠病毒預防措施: 出席者可自行選擇是否配帶口罩
Can't wait to meet you on 8/5
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