Breakout Boxes Application Form
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Name *
Surname *
E-mail address *
Country of residence  *
Place of residence  *
Nationality  *
Gender *
Phone number (with international prefix)  *
Date of birth  *
Please, describe your connection to working with young people (both professional and voluntary).
Please, describe your motivation to participate in this training.
Special dietary infomation  *
Other relevant health related or special needs (allergies, mobility restrictions, medical needs)
I hereby declare that I have entirely read and understood the project description, infopack and reimbursement rules.
I hereby commit myself to participate in the whole process of this training, meaning in the 100% of the work programme. Failure to do so might result in non-return of my travel expenses or even withdrawal from the project activity.
I am aware that I am responsible for carrying out preparatory tasks asked by the organizers as well as dissemination activities after the training.
I am aware that obtaining a health and a full travel insurance are my own responsibility and at my own expense. I understand that the information I have provided on my special needs does not remove my own personal responsibility for ensuring my own health.
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