Playaway Audiobook Permission Slip
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Your child may borrow Playaway Audiobooks from the school library, if you complete the permission slip below. These are available for children in grades 1-4.

A Playaway is a book recorded on a device the size of an ipod.  Each one is attached to a lanyard and comes in a case the size of a chapter book. One listens with earbuds, so it is quiet, as well as portable.  We no longer provide earbuds.

Why should my child listen to a Playaway?
Listening to books enables students to enjoy higher level literature than they can read on their own.  Students learn new words, which improves their reading skill. Stories come alive with the narrator’s varied voices and expression.

Your permission is required because  Playaways are costly ($40-$55).   Library policy is that lost or damaged books must be paid for.  There are smaller costs for lost or damaged cases, lanyards, and battery door covers.

Kindly complete the permission slip below and return it to the school library. This can be done digitally by clicking on the purple submit button at the bottom of the form.

Thank you,
Krista Brogle
Library Media Specialist
Broad Brook School
Email *
Date *
 Student name, first and last

Classroom Teacher's last name
I agree to pay for lost or damaged Playaways, lanyards, battery door covers, or cases.
Parent Signature
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