Nursing Home/Shut In Volunteer Call List
Hey Ithaca friends! We are starting a list of volunteers who would like to be available to talk with nursing home residents or others who are shut in during this time. We will distribute this list to nursing homes and other places as we become aware of needs. Then, nursing home staff can share our names and numbers with residents, help them make calls if they need help, etc. So signing up here basically means you're waiting for a call from a nursing home resident or other person who is shut-in and lonely. THANK YOU in advance for being available to talk and listen.

As many of you are aware, nursing homes and the hospital are not allowing visitors in so many residents are feeling incredibly lonely, on top of the stress of being at very high risk for the virus and complications. Many of us are finding ourselves with extra time on our hands. Let's use it to show love to the most vulnerable in our community right now.

This list is being sent to Cayuga Ridge (who has said that they want a list and it would be helpful to them), and other facilities. We don't know how great the actual need will be, if at all. We are just hoping to be organized and available if the residents of these homes need someone to talk to.

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If you are a pastor/rabbi/chaplain/priest/etc. and would be willing to serve as an over the phone chaplain please indicate (and if so, your faith tradition)
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