Get Connected at Renewal Main Line!
Welcome to Renewal Main Line! Upon filling out this form, a welcoming committee member will be in contact with you to get to know you better. We also encourage you to sign up for a community group near you. Our groups are organized by region and they meet several times a month. We look forward to having you join one of our community groups!
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Title *
Full Name(s) *
Town or City of Residence *
E-mail(s) *
Attendance *
How did you hear about Renewal? *
I am currently: *
(Check all that apply)
If married, spouse's name
(If applicable)
If parent, child(ren)'s name/age?
(If applicable)
Which university? (If applicable)
(If applicable)
Clear selection
Program of study and anticipated year of graduation
(If applicable)
Would you like to be added to our church email listserv? *
Please list the name(s) and email(s) to be added to the church email listerv.
Would you like to receive more information about any of the following groups?
(Check which group(s))
Community Group Preference:
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Comments or questions:
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