Rocket League Tournament Registration
Please complete the registration form to reserve your ESC Region 11 Rocket League Tournament spot.  If you do not have all of the information currently, please complete the form as best as possible.

The tournament will occur at ESC Region 11, 1451 S. Cherry Lane, White Settlement, Texas. Check-in will begin at 8:00 a.m. with a general introduction meeting for all teams at 8:45 a.m.  Play will start at 9:00 a.m.

The format is pool play, followed by bracket play. We are capping registration at 16 teams. Each team is guaranteed a minimum of four games throughout the event.
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ISD, Charter, or Private School Name *
High School Name *
Team Name *
Teacher/Manager Contact Name *
Contact Email *
Contact Cell Phone (for day of event only) *
Team Member Name 1
Team Member Name 2
Team Member Name 3
Team Member Name Alternate (if needed)
Do you have individual Epic logins for each player? *
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