2024 Make a Difference Day | REGISTRATION
On Saturday, October 26, the City of Hattiesburg will host a neighborhood clean-up initiative in conjunction with Make a Difference Day. No group or project is too small or too large, every effort can make an impact! If you would like to volunteer to help in a neighborhood or to establish an event for your neighborhood, please fill out the form below.

Should you have concerns or questions please call the Mayor's Office at 601-545-4501 or email Betsy Mercier at bmercier@hattiesburgms.com 
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Email *
Name *
Which would you like to do? *
If you marked that you would like to host a site. Do you need help organizing the tasks or need ideas for clean up? 
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Phone Number *
Email Address *
What ward do you live in? *
If you would like to host a clean-up project, please give specific details about what will be done and the location where you will serve. *
I know a team and would like to volunteer with that project. Please list the name, location and project so we can ensure you are matched!
What neighborhood association or organization are you a part of?
If you aren't a part of a neighborhood association, please leave blank.
What street do you live on? *
This information will not be shared. It will be used to help assign volunteers to projects near your neighborhood.
By initialing this statement, I agree to participate in Make Difference Day service opportunities voluntarily. I understand that volunteer service involves certain risks and agree to accept all risks of participation. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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