Senior Exit Survey Class of 2024
This survey is anonymous. These answers will be used to assess and enhance the quality of services and programs at RB. Thanks for your time and good luck next year and beyond.
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In your experience, the teachers at RB treat students with respect and consideration regardless of individual and cultural differences. *
In your experience, RB students were considerate of each other and treated each other with respect regardless of individual and cultural differences. *
I am able to see my counselor either by dropping in or making an appointment in Student Services. *
My counselor is friendly and easy to talk to. *
I feel that my counselor knows who I am. *
My counselor is helpful to me in selecting courses that meet my needs, interests, and future goals. *
My counselor makes personal or non-academic concerns easy to discuss. *
When I go to Student Services, I am greeted in a friendly and helpful manner. *
The counselors have been helpful to me and my parents in beginning the college application process. *
The counselors are knowledgeable about the college application and selection process. *
Visits from college representatives have been helpful to me. *
My parents/guardians or I have found college evening programs informative. *
My parents/guardians or I have utilized my counselor to obtain information about colleges, scholarships, etc. *
My parents/guardians or I have utilized the Student Services’ college links on the RBHS website to obtain information about colleges, scholarships, etc. *
My parents/guardians or I have utilized other websites to obtain information about colleges, scholarships, etc. *
My parents/guardians or I have visited college campuses. *
I have attended a visit from a college representative at RB. *
(This question is for transfer students only.) My counselor has been helpful in my transition and adjustment to RBHS. *
I have met with a social worker about a personal concern during my four years at RB. *
SchooLinks/Naviance has been helpful to me in my college search. *
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