Wildness Within Immersions

Suggested donation for Primal Hunts: $3000

Suggested donation for Sacred Waters: $1100

Booking can be confirmed with a 33% payment. Full payment due 2 weeks before event date.

Scholarships available to those who need financial assistance. Please book a call to apply.

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Email *
What is your name? *
What is your phone number? *
What is your gender? *
How old are you? *
Which immersion are you interested in joining?
Why are you interested in a Wildness Within immersion? *
Describe your experience with hunting or fishing? *

Do you commit to practicing and preparing for a quick and clean kill? 

Do you commit to participating in ritual practices including, but not limited to, the Native American sweat lodge, plant medicine ceremonies, restrictions  (alcohol and sex restrictions before and during the immersion)?
Describe your experience with plant medicine.  *
Do you commit to giving back to the land? This could come in many forms such as planting native plants, helping eradicate non-native species, or habitat restoration.  *
Do you have any medical diagnosis (mental and/or physical) that we need to be aware of?
Are you, or have you been, on any prescription drugs in the past three months? *
Are you able to committed to the cost of a Wildness Within immersion? Costs are generally in the low thousands. Or do you need a scholarship? *
What are your intentions in joining a Wildness Within immersion?
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