Journal Writing Workshop - September 2024
Workshop Dates/Time: Tues Sept 10, Wed Sept 11,  Thurs Sept 12 2024 10am-12noon PST
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Workshop Overview:
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Full Name *
Email *
Organization *
Job Description (Community college faculty, High school faculty, etc) *
If possible, would you like to receive a $500 stipend for participating in the workshop? (not all participants may qualify, more information to follow). To qualify for a stipend you must: 1. Live in the United States or US Territories, 2. Have a US social security number, 3. Fill out some paperwork to process your stipend that asks for information such as a phone number, address and social security number. 4. There are a total of 15 stipends available, preference will be given to community college instructors if more than 15 participants request stipends. *
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