Adventure in Hender's Castle Feedback Form
Adventure in Hender's Castle is an 3d Action-Adventure game where you Cast magic spells to overcome obstacles, solve puzzles and fight enemies. 

you can Play it here:

we would love to get your feedback on the game and help us shape the vision for it.

thank your for sharing your thoughts with us! 

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How much does this remind you of other action/adventure or 3d zelda-like games? *
Not at all
It scratches my Itch for more 3d exploration games
Moving the character was easy and fun
It was very hard
it was easy and fun to control
Moving objects around with the TK ability was easy and fun
it was frustrating and hard
it was easy and fun
The combat was fun and enjoyable
No, the combat was clunky and boring
Yes, the combat was fun and flowed nicely.
I knew where to go and never got stuck 
I got stuck multiple times
I always knew where to go next.
What other feedback do you have for us, what do you think about the game?
What would you like to see in this game, what would you add?
I would like to participate on a 1 hour video Call to Help Playtest the game with the developers. (If you Choose YES, remember to provide your email address down bellow)
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Email Address to get all the latest News on the Game (OPTIONAL)
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