In Search of Darkness: 1990-1994 Survey
You have the opportunity to shape In Search of Darkness: 1990-1994 and your participation in the production. Have your say! 

Please review the ISOD: 1990-1994 Synopsis before answering the questions below.
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Email *
Full Name *
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Age *
Location (City, Country) *
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the ISOD: 1990-1994 Synopsis? *
How could our ISOD: 1990-1994 Synopsis be improved?
Please rate your interest in the following ISOD: 1990-1994 Synopsis Chapter Sections.
Filmmakers Struggle to Evolve the Horror Genre
Not At All Interested
Extremely Interested
Real-World Reflections in ‘90s Horror & Pop Culture
Not At All Interested
Extremely Interested
What’s in a Label? Thrillers and the Horror Label Stigma
Not At All Interested
Extremely Interested
Horror Villains: The New Blood
Not At All Interested
Extremely Interested
The VHS Pipeline: Straight-to-Video Horror and Franchises
Not At All Interested
Extremely Interested
Fresh Meat: New Horror Directors in the ‘90s
Not At All Interested
Extremely Interested
Horror on Television: From Cable Favorites to Network Miniseries Inroads
Not At All Interested
Extremely Interested
Practical Effects vs. The Dawn of CGI *
Not At All Interested
Extremely Interested
Which major themes or aspects of the '90s era are you most interested in exploring or learning more about? *
Which horror films from the period of 1990-1994, whether released internationally or in the U.S., would you like to see featured in ISOD: 1990-1994? Please list up to FIVE (5) of your top choices.
Film No. 1
Film No. 2
Film No. 3
Film No. 4
Film No. 5
Which horror television show or miniseries from the period of 1990-1994, whether released internationally or in the U.S., would you like to see featured in ISOD: 1990-1994? Please list up to FIVE (5) of your top choices.     
Television Show/Miniseries No. 1
Television Show/Miniseries No. 2
Television Show/Miniseries No. 3
Television Show/Miniseries No. 4
Television Show/Miniseries No. 5
Which ‘90s icons would you like to see in ISOD: 1990-1994This can include filmmakers, actors/actresses, visual effects artists etc. Please list up to FIVE (5) of your top choices.
Person No. 1
Person No. 2
Person No. 3
Person No. 4
Person No. 5
What did you like most about the '80s In Search of Darkness Trilogy?
What did you like least about the '80s In Search of Darkness Trilogy?
How could we improve ISOD: 1990-1994 in comparison to the '80s In Search of Darkness Trilogy?
Would you support ISOD: 1990-1994?
Would you support ISOD: 1990-1994 at the crowdfunding stage by pledging at least $75?
How much would you pledge to support the documentary? ($ USD)
How can we enhance your experience as a backer and increase your involvement in the production of ISOD: 1990-1994?
Beyond including your name in the credits, what other personalized elements or experiences would make ISOD: 1990-1994 more special for you?
As a Backer of ISOD: 1990-1994, please rate the importance of the following experiences: *
Very Important
Very Unimportant
Live Q&A Sessions with Horror filmmakers, talent, influencers
Live Hangouts with the production team
Live interactive Horror Films Trivia
Discord Community
Watch Parties
Which is your preferred viewing format for ISOD: 1990-1994?
Are you interested in receiving regular updates about the development of ISOD: 1990-1994?
Can we follow up with you in case we have more questions?

Do you have any additional feedback or requests you'd like to share with us?

Thank you for completing the survey. To stay up-date and be notified of future opportunities, follow @80shorrordoc on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter! 
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