Check-in with your Counselor, Mrs. Foley
Hello Suamico Panthers!
Please fill in this survey and let me know how YOU are doing! I am available if you need to chat (with your grown-ups help through email or Google Meet). Also, you can ask your teacher to reach out to me. Wishing you all well! :)
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Survey Instructions!
First Name *
Last Name *
Grade level *
Today I am feeling... *
All feelings are okay!!  If your feelings are uncomfortable and making it hard for you to focus, you can use a calm down tool! Choose a strategy below OR make up your own! (You're welcome to share which one you used.)
Captionless Image
What is one thing you've done today that you've enjoyed?
Captionless Image
Would you like to chat with Mrs. Foley? *
Captionless Image
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