Book Club Sign Up
Are you an avid reader who is interested in discussing your favorite books and are hoping to explore new reads and different genres? Starting in October the LTCHS Book Club will be meeting once a month in the Learning Commons. If you are interested in becoming a member please take a moment to fill out this quick form and we will keep you informed on our start date and time.

Happy Reading!
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
Name (first and last) *
What day of the week works best for you to meet? *
What book are you reading right now/have recently read? Did you like it?
What are some genres of books that you would like us to feature at a future meeting?
Effacer le formulaire
N'envoyez jamais de mots de passe via Google Forms.
Ce formulaire a été créé dans Red Deer Public Schools.