PACFTB Literary and Cultural Heritage Maps Biography/Feature Article Suggestion Form
Thank you for taking the time to help us expand our selection of biographies and feature articles. We value your concern and expertise! Please note that all suggestions are reviewed by members of the project's Editorial Board and the project's Administrator, who decide whether topics should move forward. New content is developed only if it meets the project's Inclusion Guidelines; if appropriate authors and information sources can be identified; and if PACFTB has the capacity to bring the work to fruition. If you have further concerns or questions, you are welcome to contact Bernadette A. Lear, the Administrator of the project. 
Email *
Your name: *
Your e-mail address: *
Are you proposing a biography or feature article? *
Please explain your suggested topic.  For biographies, please include the person's full name, birth/death years, vocation, and achievements. For feature articles, please include the names of impactful people, groups, and organizations; the time period; and key events. We especially welcome any information you can provide about the topic's relevance to Pennsylvania; its importance to literary and/or cultural history; how it adds to diversity, equity, and inclusion; how it relates to Pennsylvania educational standards; and whether or not there are other freely-available information sources on the topic.  *
What Pennsylvania cities or counties is this topic most closely associated with?
Can you recommend any information source(s) for this topic?
Why are you interested in this particular biography or feature article? 
If the Editorial Board and PACFTB determine that the biography or feature article should be written, what voluntary assistance would you be willing to provide, if any?
Any other comments you'd like to share?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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