Quaker Steak & Lube: Guest Survey

Thank you for dining in with us today at Quaker Steak & Lube! We would greatly appreciate it if you could take a minute to give us your feedback in order to improve our guests’ experiences!

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How likely would you be to return to or order from our restaurant again? *
Very Unlikely
Very Likely

If you did not answer 5 (Very Likely), what was your experience?

Did you enjoy the overall atmosphere while dining in today?


If you answered no, what can we improve?

Were you greeted in a timely manner upon arrival?


How satisfied were you with your meal(s)?

Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
If you did not answer 5 (Very Satisfied), please explain.

How would you rate the service throughout your time here today?

Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied

If you did not answer 5 (Very Satisfied), what was your experience?

Your first name & email:
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