Recommendation request for Vince Formica
I'm asking you to fill out this recommendation request form because it is a useful way for me to organize the information that I will need to write a good, supportive letter and submit it on time.  

Please fill out the form for  EACH letter you would like me to write!!!


1.  Please contact me by email before you fill out this request form to confirm that it will be possible for me to write for you by the deadline.  Ordinarily, you should allow 2 weeks (in early spring semester, 3 weeks is better).

2.  Completely fill out one form for each letter you are requesting.
3.  Clicking "Submit" will send one request to my spreadsheet   You will then see a confirmation window that will allow you to edit the form you just submitted and/or submit another form with information for a different recipient.  Once you leave that window, however, you will be unable to edit your request further.

4.  I am not automatically alerted when a new request is made, so please email me to let me know that you have added new recipients.


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Enter your name and graduating year *
Please list the pronouns you would like me to use in your letter. *
I can avoid pronouns all together and just use your name, but it can make for a awkward reading sometimes.
Enter the e-mail I should use to contact you *
Advising, courses, research, and/or paid work you have completed with Vince: *
Check all that apply.
NAME of the institution, program, or person to whom the recommendation will be submitted *
Please find their official title.  This is something that is customary for a formal letter.  For medical and dental school, write "medical school" or "dental school."  If this is a request for a generic recommendation, such as one that would be filed with Career Services, write "Career Services" or "General letter."
ADDRESS of the institution, program or person to whom the recommendation will be submitted
For a formal letter (even if it submitted on-line) I need to include the snail mail address of the program.  If this is a medical or dental school recommendation, write "Health Sciences Office, Swarthmore College."  For other recommendations, note that even if the recommendation is submitted online or by email, a properly addressed formal letter is essential.  Please provide the full street address, city, state and zip code.
The type of position for which you are applying *
Link to website of the institution, program or person to whom you are applying
Not necessary for Health Sciences (medical/dental school) requests.  For other programs, you can enter multiple links and explanatory text here as well.
EXACT title of the degree program to which you are applying
Answer this question only if you are applying for an academic degree.  The program name may be the name of the department (e.g., Biology, Zoology, Microbiology), but if the department offers several degrees, specify both the department and the program (e.g., Master's program in Counseling for Mental Health and Wellness in the Department of Applied Psychology).
In what form will the recommendation be submitted? *
For recommendations that will be emailed, enter the email address here:
Due Date *
(please enter the day you need me to send it in.  If Snail mail you should enter the due date a week before its due here)
Notes on the Due Date
If you want the letter to be submitted before the official due date, or if there is no official due date, please explain.
Does the recommender need to submit a form along with the recommendation? *
REMEMBER TO SIGN THE WAIVER SECTION OF THE FORM IF IT HAS ONE.  If you have only hard copy of a form but you are off-campus and want to send it to me quickly, do one of the following:  1)  fax the form to 610-328-8663 or 2) scan the form or take a picture (higher resolution = better) of it with your camera or cell phone and email it to me.  
As soon as they are ready, I will be sending the following items to Vince (email is preferred) *
Check all that apply.  A CV or resume is required for all recommendation requests.  If you're using the same CV or personal statement for multiple programs, you don't need to send it more than once.
A Brief desciption of WHY you want this job/internship/medschool
This will help me craft a more specific letter
Anything else you would like to add about this recommendation?
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