kP Parent Questionnaire 23-24
Please fill out this questionnaire to help me get to know your child better.
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Adresse e-mail *
Child's name *
Does your child go by a nickname - one which they would prefer to see on tables, cubbies, and belongings? *
Which email address(es) would you like me to use when sending home information about the classroom? *
Please list all names and ages of siblings.   *
Please list the first phone number I should use if we need to contact you. *
Does your child have any allergies/medical conditions? *
Has your child had a preschool experience last year? If so, where?   *
How does your child spend free time at home? (hobbies, interests) *
How does your child learn best? *
What do you consider to be your child's areas of strengths? Please speak to their academic, personal, and social strengths. *
What do you consider to be your child's areas of needed progress? Please speak to their academic, personal, and social needs. *
Did your child receive any related services in the past? *
What are your goals and expectations this year? *
Is there anything else you would like me to know about your child? *
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