BuzzFeed Gaming Survey 

Thank you for helping us shape the future of gaming on BuzzFeed! Your insights are incredibly valuable.

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How often do you play online games *
What time of day do you usually play casual games? *

Which of the following types of online games do you enjoy playing? (Select all that apply)


Which specific online game do you play more often?

What features are important to you in casual games?
Not important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Easy to learn
Engaging story
In-game rewards or achievements
Maintaing a streak
Playing against other people
Playing with friends/family
Interactive chat with other players
How likely are you to play casual games on BuzzFeed's site or app?
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
How interested would you be in participating in casual gaming competitions or challenges on BuzzFeed's platform?
Not interested
Very Interested
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Have you heard of or played BuzzFeed’s Pyramid Scheme word game?
Have you heard of or played BuzzFeed’s Daily Trivia game?
Have you heard of or played LilSnack games on BuzzFeed
Is there a specific casual game feature or type of game you would like to see on BuzzFeed? Please share your thoughts.

Do you have any other feedback or suggestions for BuzzFeed regarding casual gaming?

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