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UTDesign Makerspace - Room Reservation Form
Student organizations are required to fill out this form to reserve a room in UTDesign Makerspace. Please make sure to follow the following guidelines:
Event reservations must be made 48 hours in advance.
Events involving alcohol, drugs, sex, weapons, or illegal material are prohibited.
You are allowed to provide food and drink away from electronics stations.
You are required to clean up any waste after your event.
Please limit committee/group meetings to once per week if possible. Remember that the makerspace is open most of the week and your group members can meet outside of official times.
We reserve the right to cancel reservations for any reason we see fit.
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* Indicates required question
Full Name
Please enter your first and last name as they appear on your Comet Card.
Your answer
UT Dallas Email
Please enter an email address that ends with We will not process reservations for personal emails.
Your answer
Phone Number
Please enter a cell phone number that you will have access to during the event.
Your answer
Discord Username
Please enter your Discord username if you have one. This is our preferred method of contact, but we will use your email if you do not use Discord. Please also join our Discord to receive updates for student organization leaders.
Your answer
Student Organization
Please enter the full name of the student organization you are creating the reservation for.
Your answer
Reserved Rooms and Technology
Please select the rooms you would like to reserve.
If using the Chromecast in the front of the floor, you must be on the Makerspace-Members network.
If reserving both portions of the floor, you must have more than 30 members in attendance for at least 80% of your reservation.
Though the front and back are divided at a line in the image shown below, this is a general divider. Each group with a reservation should have equal seating at tables. Work stations such as organization tables and the 3D printing station do not count.
Conference room reservations must be after 6 PM.
Lounge reservations must be on behalf of or with permission from AIAA.
Before choosing a room, consider reaching out to the president or vice president to ask if the room is available. We cannot give organization leaders the ability to view existing reservations for security reasons.
🔴 Classroom
🟠Conference Room
🟡 Floor Back
🟢 Floor Front
🔵 Lounge
🟣 VR and Media Room
Reservation Start
Please enter when you would like your reservation to start. If your reservation is recurring, make sure to specify that in the comments.
Reservation End
Please enter when you would like your reservation to end. Â If your reservation is recurring, make sure to specify that in the comments and only list your starting date here. You can put your last reservation date in the comments.
Event Title
What is the title of your event?
Your answer
Event Description
Please enter a description for your event if it is a public event. Any events without descriptions will be considered private and will not be advertised on our website or Discord server.
Your answer
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please leave them below and we will answer what we can before approving your reservation. Â If your reservation is recurring, make sure to specify that here.
Your answer
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