STAFF AUP - Updated Aug 2020
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Acceptable Use Policy
Parents, Guardians, Staff, & Students,

Welcome to Newfane Central School District. Please take a moment to read the acknowledgements below and, if agreeable, please check the consent boxes, sign, and return to the school. If you have any questions, please contact the building principal.

Acceptable Use Procedures (AUP) Acknowledgement

The Newfane Central School (NCSD) district recognizes that effective use of technology is important to our students and will be an essential part of their lives as adults. The District’s computer system consists of various computer networks, hardware and software programs. This may include, but may not be limited to the linkage to the “world wide web” and/or the “Internet”. When students use the technology provided by the district, they are to use it for educational purposes only according to district policy #7360 (complete policy is accessible on the Newfane Central School District website and at any of our main offices).

It is important for our staff and students to remember that information stored on our network will not be considered private. During school hours, students will be guided in their usage of computer technology with instructional supervision. If any rules and regulations of district policy are broken, students may be subject to disciplinary action from building administrators, teachers and professional support staff. Furthermore, any interference with the policy may be subject to federal, state and local laws. Some of the following examples of “unacceptable use” are contained in the document below. These guidelines are to be reviewed and signed by our students and parent/guardian in accordance with district policy.

1) Usage of the district technology resources to download, send via email, print, display images and/or gain access to any obscene, pornographic and/or social networking websites.

2) Use of vulgar and obscene language which may be insulting, bullying or attacking to others. Also, it is to be noted that any assistance offered to a student participating in any above actions is also unacceptable.

3) Damaging, disabling, or otherwise interfering with operation of computers, system operation and any hardware or software associated with the District network by physical or electronic means.

4) Violation of copyright law and downloading of additional software and sharing folders to the network without written consent of the network specialist.

5) Revealing personal information about yourself or about any other student such as date of birth, addresses, and telephone numbers, etc.

6) Transmission of material for political lobbying, product advertisement and any other commercial enterprise is not acceptable.

7) Trespassing on another student account and use of password is unacceptable as well.
Newfane Central School District requires consent from a parent before offering the tools of Google Apps for Education including Gmail, G-drive, Google docs, Google sheets, Google calendar and other Google tools. Using Google G-Suite, students and staff can collaboratively create, edit, and share files and websites for school related projects and communicate electronically with other students and teachers. These services are online and available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week from any Internet connected computer. Newfane Central School District use of Google G-Suite is set up and secured for educational purposes. For that reason, students are not subjected to advertising as it is disabled when students access Google G-Suite.
Student and staff use of videoconferencing or school property for classwork constitutes assent by the parent and student that no person, other than a teacher or other authorized district or school staff, will: record audio- or video conferences among students and/or teachers; nor will any person other than a teacher or other authorized district or school staff post any portion on the internet; nor store or share recordings digitally or in any other form.
NCSD encourages promotion of outstanding student achievement and recognition of school related activities. With your consent, we will allow for the recognition of your child in District related print and online publications and promotions which may include a student’s full name, school and grade level, photographs, video, audio, examples of work, recognition for achievements and/or involvement.
I have been provided with, have read, and agree to abide by the Acceptable Use Procedures (AUP) and guidelines of the Newfane Central School District.  I understand that violations of the student AUP may result in suspension of Internet privileges and disciplinary actions.
Electronic signature (Type full name) *
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